Welcome BACK to the Working Girl's Guide <3
If you’re new to the Working Girl’s Guide, then WHERE WERE YOU LAST WEEK? Kidding, this isn’t an all-hands where the attendees are accounted for and reported to managers. I’m just glad you’re here now.
We’re talking news, how I spent my weekend, style inspo, and this week’s tip for working smarter, not harder.
Ready for a quick ice breaker? Let’s all go around and share our most recent romantic rejection. Kidding! But can you imagine?!?

Linkedin is trying to get in on the Wordle craze, with three new word and logic games. Get rejected for a job recently? Test your logic with Pinpoint, then send your winning score to the hiring manager who passed you over. That will make ‘em regret it!!
Florida has banned lab-grown meat, citing concerns around consumer safety and the economic future of the beef and poultry industries. Anyone who makes or sells lab grown meat in the state will get 60 days in jail. That seems…intense?
Google’s new $10 billion office has bad WiFi, and employees are resorting to working outside for better connectivity. Allegedly, the spottiness is a result of the swooping design of the office’s roof. Welp, guess the Google girlies will be working from their at-home walking pads for now.

My weekend update: There is something so beautiful about the combination of urgency and leisure that occurs on a pickleball court. It’s kind of like those last-minute meetings that (male) marketing VPs are always calling. The ones where they end up just sitting back and tapping their chins and making you watch them think up something on the spot that definitely could have been handled in an email? Anyone know what I’m talking about? Just me? Okay, well I spent the weekend jogging around a court with my parents and my BFF, and I am now officially obsessed. Family time + exercise + sun, all while wearing a dress? Put me in, coach.

Hi mom and dad!

For those workouts that require slightly more technical apparel than a dress + cardi, allow me to introduce this absolutely subtle and not-at-all-attention-seeking bright blue set, which is [in my influencer voice] SO BUTTERY SOFT, and perfect for a hot girl walk-slash-phone catch up with your out-of-town bestie. I actually love that the bra straps aren’t racerback: you can throw it on under a sweater for Zoom meetings, and the straps won’t show from the front (which is a dead giveaway that you’re about to log off for a mid-day workout).

This is one that came to me after one too many 1:1s with my manager that followed a familiar pattern: chit-chat (no, Bruce, I don’t really want to hear about your kid’s soccer game), rifling through my email for an answer to something I should know off the top of my head, run out of time, and great now I’m late for my next meeting. We can do better!!! Try sending your manager agenda items ahead of the meeting: project updates, questions, requests for feedback. Not only will this make you look super organized (which is exactly what we want when promotion season rolls around), but nine times out of ten, if your manager sees you’re on top of sh*%, they’ll cancel the meeting before it starts, which means you get THIRTY MINUTES BACK to go for a walk / online shop / swipe on Hinge.

This week, I got a haircut (new personality alert?), plus shared my “Corporate Natalie Story” via a GRWM-style video. Check it all out here:
Finally, Corporate Bro and I got into it on the pod with round two of terrible boss stories, including from our own employees, Annie and Ben. Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have Ross or me as your boss? Three words: naked. and. afraid.

Thanks for reading!