Working Girl's Guide #23: $25,000 of treasure and short-lived blowouts
Plus, Ross and I have tips for those who want to influence!
We’re talking $25,000 of treasure, working from home, Zillow’s frightening new feature, and tips for growing a social following.
Let’s get into it.

CEOs Still Think We’re More Productive in the Office
Work from home is slowing: last year, 63% of CEOs said they were expecting employees to be in the office full-time; this year, it’s up to 83%. Amazon famously required 5 days back in the office of its employees—and a reported 73% of its employees said they’re considering a new job in light of the change, according to a new report from the University of Chicago.
Zillow’s New Feature Might Just Ruin Your Home Browsing Hobby
In early 2025, Zillow will roll out a new rating scale for home listings, and it’s super depressing. The real estate platform, in partnership with climate risk financial modeling company First Street, will rate climate disaster risk on a scale of 1-10, including wildfires, floods, and air quality. The real estate platform will also show insurance recommendations based on these risks, like flood and wildfire protection.
Anyone For a Treasure Hunt?
Jason Rohrer is best known for his video game designs, but has recently taken his virtual quests to the real world with a 24k gold treasure worth $25,000 that he hid somewhere in the woods. It’s called Project Skydrop, the treasure is located somewhere in the northeastern United States, and each day (clock is ticking!!), he releases more info about its whereabouts.

I stayed with my best friend Mamie in NYC this weekend and we got blowouts together then walked through the rain for some shopping. Our blowouts lasted 5 minutes but the memories will last FOREVER! Great to see my gal in The Big ole Apple!

I love how the woman next to us also got the jeans + white tee memo

Are miniskirts allowed in a work context? Probably not completely but maybe in certain types of work environments, mainly the one that I work in, which is my bedroom with my trusty Annie by my side? She didn’t seem offended by this fit so I’ll call that a win! And yes, my bedroom is looking immaculate, proud of myself and my pillow fluffing abilities these days.

It’s starting to get colder, which makes me want to burrow in a bunch of blankets and completely ignore everyone I currently and have ever known. But we are going to continue with our workouts! Keep socializing! Allow ourselves to couch rot but make it productive or at least kind of social! My lazy girl hack this week is to pair friend catch-ups with cozy, at-home activities you’re already doing solo. Toss a YouTube workout up on the TV and do it together—in your PJs is fine! And yes, I know I live in California and it’s not even that cold, but I am fickle ok?? The point is, we’re rethinking approaching activities, instead of foregoing them altogether. By the way, did you know there’s a whole category of YouTube fitness called in-bed workouts? You’re welcome.

Apparently a whopping 57% of young Americans want to become influencers!!! This week, Ross and I get into the deets of our social media journeys, and talk through the important first steps toward building a life of content creation. We talk about choosing a niche, growing a following, and why it’s important to keep testing out new content ideas. Listen here.