Working Girl's Guide #18: ghosts and ghosting and ugly crying
I discovered white t-shirts
Remote jobs, a tragic shipwreck, and my second outright mention of the boyfriend.
Let’s get into it.

30 Companies Hiring Remote Right Now
It does seem like job listings are hot again, and I’m happy to report that Forbes reported that a lot of companies are back to hiring fully remote positions. Here’s a list of companies currently hiring for remote roles. And to those companies that insist we come in 5 days a week: ok, fine, but you do realize we’re mostly gossiping and getting coffee with the work bestie, right?
Modern Titanic
A yacht went down off the coast of Sicily last week, and billionaire Mike Lynch, plus his 18-year-old daughter and 5 other passengers are presumed dead. Meteorologist explain that a waterspout is at fault, which is basically a tornado at sea, which could have basically tipped and pinned the yacht to the water (sounds terrifying). What’s even crazier is that Lynch and his co-founder had JUST been acquitted after a 13-year trial — and his co-founder was also killed, just one week prior, in a car accident.
It’s Already Halloween
Really not here for ghost pillows and decorative witches in August — but joke’s on me, because this year, Halloween decor has been out since JUNE. Are you kidding me? Apparently stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s have been getting a little desperate: people are spending less on home reno stuff, so their answer seems to be pushing skeletons and inflatable ghouls. Weird strategy, but whatever works I guess?

This weekend, I saw It Ends With Us, and absolutely sobbed my eyes out: I’m talking heinous ugly crying, so… if you’re planning to see it, definitely do not wear any makeup. This photo goes NOWHERE LADIES. If you screenshot it I will find you.
Anyone have waterproof mascara recs?

This is almost embarrassing to admit out loud, but I did not own a basic white tee until this week, and now that I have one, I can confidently say it’s one of my best purchases to date (how did I miss this memo?). My boyfriend did ask me if I’ve worn the same white t-shirt for the past 4 days, to which my answer was a resounding yes. Here’s an easy outfit formula: jeans, belt, tee, blazer. Simple as sweats (almost), but much more polished.

It’s almost September, which doesn’t really mean anything in the working world (it’s not like we we’re off for the summer), but it does kind of feel like everything is ramping up. Pilates classes are full (welcome back, moms), crossing guards are out in the mornings escorting children to school, and people are actually responding to emails again. It can be easy to slip back into work mode and forget to socialize and get outside once stuff gets crazy, which is why I’m big on socializing and moving at the same time. YouTube workout on FaceTime with a faraway friend, 30-minute walk while catching up with my mom… any way to ease into fall without burning out or ghosting everyone I know. It’s too early to be that spooky!

This week, we’re talking about rizz. Does it play a role in ascending the corporate ladder? Is rizz something you’re born with, or something you cultivate? We’re giving you a crash course on how to rizz up your office, which will either lead to a promotion or a one-way ticket to HR. If you’re not sick of hearing the word rizz yet, then this episode might just push you over the edge! Join us for a crash course on EVERYTHING rizz here.